
The fees for the 2016/17 season are:
£15 for non-playing parent (mandatory)
£25 for each child in the U6/U5 age group (Reception / Yr 1) 
£40 for each child in the U7 or above age group (Year 2 or above)

Free Tor top for every child!

Click here to register your child.

This season, we are handling all player registration and payments through Teamer. A small charge applies.

We wish to avoid handling cash and paper registrations, so please help us by using Teamer. 

After you have registered your child, you will be sent a link to pay. This may take a couple of days, so please check your e-mail.

Register and pay for each child separately, please - and don't forget to choose the "Parent + Child" option when registering the first child!