Thursday, 21 January 2016


Thanks’ for a great turn out last weekend!

Various Tor teams took on the cold and muddy conditions as well as teams from Crewkerne
The aim was to keep warm get muddy have fun then back to the club House for Sausage Chips and cake..all in no particular order..An aim I think all players achieved judging by all the muddy smiley faces! ..And even some on the coaches! –I managed to see a couple of the age groups and watched some brilliant play-real teamwork going on out there ..Very proud!

Thank you to all those who brought cakes to the cake sale -it was a record week for kitchen takings- which is a very important fund raising stream for the Minis and Juniors’ ..We are at Home again this week with teams from Chard visiting so more cake please!


The weather could well be similar as last week so please remember to bring a change of clothes for the players and leave as much mud as possible outside the club house!- Cheers

We had a Minis and Juniors committee meeting last Sunday evening –thanks to all that came it was a really good meeting lots of positive discussion and ideas to get us through the rest of the season and build for the 16/17 season..I will write up the minutes and get the key points out early next week..
One of the main points from the meeting was that we need more volunteers for 16/17 ..a quick round up surmised that we could do with around six more people on the coaching team..Specifically in the following areas..

U5/U6s coach and assistant needed–(Stuart would like to run two groups next season U5s and U6s)
U7S- coach and assistant needed –(Jim will be moving up with existing group of players to U8s he will also be spearheading setting up  Girls teams U13 upwards with Josh)
Juniors- U13,U14,U15,U16s- We really want to build on the success of the U15s this  season and target all Junior sections for 16/17 for this we need at least two coaches and assistants
As a coach/Assistant you will be part of a great team and part of the RFU family –training courses range from “Rugby Ready” al the way through to Level 1 and Level 2 ..These can be arranged to suit you..The main thing is if you think you would like to give it a go let any of the coaches know and join in! – You will be working closely with existing coaches at all times so no need to worry!
If you don’t fancy running around coaching and would like to help in other ways let us know- not only do the coaches coach on a Sunday they also spend a lot of their time behind the scenes  - Kitchen team, fund raising, sponsorship, safeguarding compliance, membership administration. Communications’-social media ,flyers. Liaising with local Schools +RFU. Organising fixtures.. ..washing muddy kits…marking out pitches…cutting grass..

Or speak to John,Andrew,Josh or Rob..or ANY of the team


Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Well after a false start due to water logged pitches its full tilt ahead this weekend ..hopefully!


They will not be bringing any U10s - but our U10s please still turn up and we will sort some training games for you (and sausage and chips!)

Please be at the ground for 10 am 


Any questions post on FB or email

SUNDAY EVENING 7.00PM Minis committee meeting -please come along if you are interested in volunteering,coaching,or assisting the coaches in any way we need more coaches to run our expanding groups for next season - we have a RFU  Rugby Ready course lined up on the 31st January @ Tor it would be great to get some new faces there! (Free beanie hat!)
As mentioned in the last blog we really want to develop the girls teams in all age groups Mums don't leave it to the Dads  we are rubbish- have a go at coaching!
Please let us know via Face book or email if your interested in helping the Minis at all - I will forward you an agenda! 

Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Ready for 2016!
Next match away for U7s to U12s at Cheddar
12 Sharpham Road Cheddar Somerset BS27 3UK

Looking forward to a busy 2016 and into the 2016/17 season we would love to see the existing player groups expand in numbers we need to plan ahead!
If any parents are interested in helping coach or becoming a coach please have a chat with any of the existing team of coaches on a Sunday or via facebook, email etc
We really want to get a Girls squad going for the 2016/17 season particularly the U13 age group please pass the word to any Girls in this age group you think might like to give it a Try! Have you played at school? Want to play more? -there is no need to wait, come and join in now for a taster training session! Or just come and see the club on a home training/Match Sunday have a chat with players and coaches
Josh Flagg our level 2 demon coaches will be getting this exciting new group off the ground, he would love to hear from any potential helpers and players.
The U15s group is another area we really want to expand so again any helpers interested in assisting the coaches or becoming coaches please let us know –the club can fund RFU training courses.
We really want to build on the success of the last two seasons in all age groups so all help of any sort welcome!

Saturday, 2 January 2016


Hello all hope you had a great Christmas and New year - thank you for all your support in 2015

Unfortunately training is cancelled this SUNDAY THE 3RD due to water logged pitches and loads more rain coming in tonight and tomorrow morning

But don't despair we have an away fixture next week 10th Jan at Cheddar before two home fixtures on the 17th and 24th hopefully it will have stopped raining by then!!

Will post up details of away match location in the next few days

Thanks again
Tor Minis and Youth Rugby